
JCCC Foundation Grant Ceremony 2021


日本語ページをお探しの方は右上の【日本語】をクリック We are going to have a virtual Grant Ceremony on Wednesday, October 6 at 3:00pm. Please join us to celebrate with the 2021 Grant recipients! The mission of the JCCC Foundation grant program is to support innovative projects that work with students to enhance learning, build capacity, and increase learning opportunities both inside and […]

JCCC Foundation Grant Ceremony


日本語ページをお探しの方は右上の【日本語】をクリック We are going to have a virtual Grant Ceremony on Wednesday, October 7 at 3:00pm. Please join us to celebrate with the 2020 Grant recipients! The mission of the JCCC Foundation grant program is to support innovative projects that work with students to enhance learning, build capacity, and increase learning opportunities both inside and […]