
School NameCarleton College
DepartmentJapanese Language
AddressOne North College Street
Northfield, Minnesota 55057
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Contact PersonNoboru Tomonari
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"Carleton College is an educational institution in Minnesota that teaches solely undergraduates. Our Department of Asian Languages and Literatures teaches Japanese language and cultures and offers Japanese Studies Major and Minor. Our department is also a core to the inter-disciplinary Asian Studies program at our college which also offers a Major as well as East Asian Studies Minor.

Many of our Japanese language students study for a term or a year in Japan during their junior year; we are a consortium school to the Associated Kyoto Program (hosted by Doshisha University), the Japan Study Program (hosted by Waseda University), as well as our own program Carleton Spring Term in Kyoto (also hosted by Doshisha University). All our students are enthusiastic learners of Japanese language and cultures who are seeking future career opportunities in Japan or with Japanese corporations and institutions stateside."