2024 JCCC秋の異業種交流会 ~感謝祭の夕べ~
JCCC Fall Networking Event

Event Date : 11/15 Fri 06:00 PM ~ 08:00 PM
Deadline : 11/15 Fri
Location : Yamazen Inc. (111 Northwest Point Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007)
JCCC登録会員の方は、「My Account」へログインをしてお申込みください。
また今回は、当地にて日米二国間のビジネスや、文化・社会的交流に努める団体である シカゴ日米協会の会員の方々にも広くお声がけをしご参加を募ります。本イベントが相互団体の親睦を深め、今後の事業活動への活性化を図る機会になればと願っております。
◇日時:2024年11月15日(金) 6:00pm – 8:00pm (受付開始 5:45pm)
◇会場:山善様オフィスビル内 カフェテリア (111 Northwest Point Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007)
◇会費:JCCC会員(会員企業にご勤務の方も含む)、シカゴ日米協会会員: $30
非会員:$50 (軽食・ドリンク込み)
◇お問い合わせ:JCCC事務局 Tel:312-245-8344 Email:jccc@jccc-chi.org
The JCCC Networking Committee is excited to announce its second cross-industry social gathering of the year. This event aims to create an opportunity for JCCC members to connect, share insights about their industries, and build new relationships.
We are also extending an invitation to members of the Japan America Society of Chicago, an organization dedicated to fostering business, cultural, and social ties between the U.S. and Japan. We believe this event will strengthen the bond between our two organizations and energize our future collaborative efforts.
We can't wait to spend time with you, reflecting on this year's achievements and expressing our gratitude for your ongoing partnership and successes. We hope to see you at this year's gathering!
Date and Time: Friday, November 15, 2024, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Place: Yamazen Inc. (111 Northwest Point Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007)
Fee:$30 (JCCC members, including employees of JCCC member companies, JASC members), $50 Non-member
Registration Ends: Friday, November 8, or when the maximum capacity is reached.
Payments are non-refundable after Friday, November 8.
Capacity: 100
Contact: HERE