2022 JCCC New Year's Party

Event Date : 1/16 Sun 12:00 PM ~ 01:30 PM
Location : ZOOM
日時: 2022年1月16日(日) 午後 12時から1時30分
場所: オンライン開催(ZOOM使用)
会費:申し込み1件につき$20(お一人 or ご家族でご参加の場合でも同金額)
1. 式典
2. エンターテイメント
Saku Yanagawa さん スタンダップコメディ
シカゴにゆかりのある方々からのビデオメッセージ (デーブ・スペクターさん、渡辺美里さん、石川慈さん、ジョン・カビラさん)
3. クイズ・福引大会
※ 新年会当日にクイズ大会にご参加いただける方は最大9名です。定員以上のお申込みがあった場合は、ご応募いただいた方の中から厳選なる抽選の上、参加者を決定させていただきます。イベント当日はライブでご参加いただきますので、パソコンのカメラ機能が使用できる方に限定させていただきます。なお、スマートフォンやタブレット端末からはクイズ大会にご参加いただけませんので、予めご了承いただけますようお願いします。
お問合せ:JCCC事務局 312-245-8344
2022 JCCC Online New Year’s Party
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your understanding and support for the business activities of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Chicago.
JCCC will hold an annual New Year’s Party virtually once again due to the current situation of the coronavirus pandemic. We would like to celebrate the New Year with you wishing the coming New Year will be a safe and vibrant year. Please join us with your family and colleagues!
Date & Time: Sunday, January 16, 2022 (12:00pm–1:30pm)
Location: Online (ZOOM)
Fee: $20 per registration (Same amount even if you participate alone or with your family)
* Of the participation fee, $ 5 will be donated to the JCCC Foundation as usual, and $ 15 will be donated to the Futabakai.
Registration ends: Wednesday, January 12, 2022
**You are not eligible to participate in the raffle if you registered after midnight of 1/12/2022.
- Opening Remarks (JCCC Chair of 2022), Remarks (Consul-General, Consulate-General of Japan in Chicago), New Year’s Resolution (Chicago Futabakai Japanese School, Saturday School)
- Entertainment (Stand-up Comedy, Performance by students of Chicago Futabakai Japanese School)
- Quiz Bowl and Raffle
Please join Quiz Bowl and Raffle for Prizes!!
We are looking for people who would like to participate in the quiz bowl. Participants will be live on the day of the event and answer the quiz for prizes.
* Up to 9 people can participate in the quiz bowl on the day of the New Year’s party. If there is an application above the capacity, the participants will be determined after a carefully selected lottery from among those who applied. On the day of the event, you will be asked to participate live, so it will be limited to those who can use the camera function of the PC. Please note that you cannot participate in the quiz competition from smartphones and tablets.
Quiz Bowl Participant Application Form
In addition to the quiz bowl, all participants will have a chance to win prizes of the raffle tournament
scheduled at the end of the New Year’s party, so please watch it until the end!!
Questions: Contact JCCC 312-245-8344