
ご縁を大切に ー未来へ繋げる2022年度秋の異業種交流会― (JCCC Fall Networking Event)
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Event Date : 10/28 Fri 06:00 PM ~ 08:00 PM
Deadline : 10/28 Fri
Location : Yamazen Inc. (111 Northwest Point Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007)

JCCC登録会員の方は、「My Account」へログインをしてお申込みください。







◇日時:2022年10月28日(金) 6:00pm – 8:00pm

◇会場:山善様オフィスビル内のカフェテリア/テラス (111 Northwest Point Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007)

◇定員:70名(JCCC会員限定 ※会員企業にご勤務の方を含みます。)





◇お問い合わせ:JCCC事務局 Tel:312-245-8344 Email:jccc@jccc-chi.org


The JCCC will hold the second networking event this year.
The in-person networking event held in June for the first time in three years was a great success, with 50 members participating. After a long period of remote communication, it was an excellent opportunity to reconfirm the joy and importance of sharing the same space and talking face-to-face.

This time, we have increased the capacity to 70 people so that more people can participate. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to deepen friendships among members and have a good time together as a place to make new connections and exchange information.

It's a Friday event right before Halloween, so you're more than welcome to wear Halloween costumes, pumpkin patterns, and other items! We look forward to your participation.

Date and Time: Friday, October 28, 2022   6:00pm – 8:00pm

Place: Yamazen Inc. (111 Northwest Point Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007)

Fee:$30 (JCCC members Only, including employees of JCCC member companies)

Payments are non-refundable after Monday, October 24.

Registration Ends:  Monday, October 24, or when the maximum capacity is reached

Capacity: 70

Dress Code: Halloween costumes are welcome! Accessories, ties, small items, etc., are also OK. Costumes are optional, so feel free to participate in business casual.

There is no obligation to present a vaccination certificate or wear a mask.