2021 JCCC Foundation Charity Golf Tournament

Event Date : 7/18 Sun 08:00 AM ~ 01:00 PM
Deadline : 7/14 Wed
Location : Whisper Creek Golf Course (12840 Del Webb Blvd., Huntley, IL 60142)
2021 JCCC Foundation Charity Golf Tournament
Please join us for the JCCC Foundation’s 24th annual Charity Golf Tournament to benefit schools and not-for-profit educational organizations in the Chicagoland.
Date: Sunday, July 18, 2021
Time: Registration Starts@7am Tee Off@8am
Format: Scramble by Team
*Individuals and partial teams will be matched with other individuals or partial teams.
*Co-ed teams, non-members are all welcome!
Language: English & Japanese
Fee: $205 per person(Includes Green Fees, Carts, Prizes & Donation)
JCCC Foundation is a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status. The donation portion of the fee will be a tax-deductible contribution by the IRS guidelines.
Registration Deadline: Friday, July 2 or when the maximum capacity is reached
Safety Rules
・We will not have a luncheon or ceremony due to the pandemic. We will send you the results via Email after the tournament.
・It is mandatory to take a temperature for all players.
If you have over 100°F on the day of the event, please understand you will not be able to participate in the tournament.
・Please wear your mask when you are in the cart and public areas.
Charity Golf Sponsorship & Prize Donation: Here
日時:7/18 (日) 7:00 am 受付開始 8:00 am Tee Off
参加費 (プレー・カート代、賞品、寄付込み):$205/人
締切日: 7月2日(金) 先着36組もしくは144名に達した場合はその時点で締切ります。
JCCC基金チャリティゴルフ賞品・協賛ご提供のお願い: こちら