2023 JCCC異業種交流会 ~ サマーフェスタ in シカゴ!~

Event Date : 6/23 Fri 06:00 PM ~ 08:00 PM
Deadline : 6/23 Fri
Location : Yamazen Inc. (111 Northwest Point Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007)
JCCC登録会員の方は、「My Account」へログインをしてお申込みください。
6月は、シカゴ市内や郊外でも野外の楽しいイベントが目白押しとなる季節です。学校も夏休みに入りバケーションプランを練る時期でもありますので、サブテーマを「サマーフェスタ in シカゴ!」としました。初夏の金曜日の夕刻に、夏らしいリラックスした装いでお越しいただき、参加者の皆様と楽しく交流していただきたいと思います。
◇日時:2023年6月23日(金) 6:00pm – 8:00pm
◇会場:山善様オフィスビル内のカフェテリア/テラス (111 Northwest Point Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007)
◇定員:90名(JCCC会員限定 ※会員企業にご勤務の方を含みます。)
◇お問い合わせ:JCCC事務局 Tel:312-245-8344 Email:jccc@jccc-chi.org
The JCCC Networking Department will hold the first cross-industry networking event this year.
The purpose of this event is for JCCC members to exchange information on each industry and to create business opportunities. At the same time, we hope that new members will be able to integrate themselves into the JCCC community through various activities and events.
June is the season for fun outdoor events in the city and suburbs of Chicago. Since school is about to enter summer vacation and it's time to make vacation plans, the sub-theme is "Summer Festa in Chicago!" On a Friday evening in early summer, we would like you to come dressed in relaxed summer clothes and have fun interacting with the participants.
Date and Time: Friday, June 23, 2023, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Place: Yamazen Inc. (111 Northwest Point Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007)
Fee:$30 (JCCC members Only, including employees of JCCC member companies)
Registration Ends: Friday, June 16, or when the maximum capacity is reached.
Payments are non-refundable after Friday, June 16.
Capacity: 90