JCCC Foundation Charity Golf Fundraising for Chicago Futabakai

Event Date : 9/25 Sun 01:00 PM ~ 06:00 PM
Deadline : 9/20 Tue
Location : Chevy Chase Country Club (1000 N. Milwaukee Ave., Wheeling, IL 60090)
JCCC登録会員の方は、「My Account」へログインをしてお申込みください。
日時:9/25 (日) 12:00 pm 受付開始 1:00 pm Tee Off
参加費 (プレー・カート代、賞品、寄付込み):$260/人
締切日: 9月9日(金)
JCCC基金チャリティゴルフ協賛ご提供のお願い: こちら
JCCC Foundation Charity Golf Fundraising for Chicago Futabakai
Please join us for the JCCC Foundation’s Chicago Futabakai Charity Golf Tournament to support Chicago Futabakai Schools.
Date: Sunday, September 25, 2022
Time: Registration Starts@12pm Tee Off@1pm
Format: Scramble by Team
*Individuals and partial teams will be matched with other individuals or partial teams.
*Co-ed teams, non-members are all welcome!
Language: English & Japanese
Fee: $260 per person(Includes Green Fees, Carts, Prizes & Donation)
JCCC Foundation is a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status. The donation portion of the fee will be a tax-deductible contribution by the IRS guidelines.
Registration Deadline: Friday, September 9 or when the maximum capacity is reached
Safety Rules
・We will have an award ceremony at the bar area, but there will be no meals serve. You can buy your own drink or food at the counter. Please follow the current COVID-19 guidelines and use your discretion for wearing a mask in public.
Charity Golf Sponsorship : Here