Charity Golf Sponsorship
Please join us on Sunday, September 25th for the JCCC Foundation’s JCCC Foundation Charity Golf Fundraising for Chicago Futabakai to support Chicago Futabakai Schools at Chevy Chase Country Club.
We are accepting monetary sponsorships for the tournament. Monetary sponsors of $1,000 and above will receive free player registrations for the tournament. Other benefits include recognition in the event program, member newsletter, and on the website.
Monetary Sponsorships
Platinum: $3,000 Sponsorship
・Free registration for one (1) foursome (4 players)
・Recognition on the JCCC website, in the tournament program, and in the member newsletter
Gold: $2,000 Sponsorship
・Free registration for two (2) players
・Recognition on the JCCC website, in the tournament program, and in the member newsletter
Silver: $1,000 Sponsorship
・Free registration for one (1) player
・Recognition on the JCCC website, in the tournament program, and in the member newsletter
※We will also accept the donation with any amount.
Monetary Sponsorship Pledge Form
Deadline: Friday, September 9, 2022