JCCC Internship School List

The Universities and Colleges in the Midwest area listed below are interested in creating corporate internship opportunities and cooperative educational programs for their students. Please click a school name for more details. If you would like to add your academic institution to our list, please apply from here.

Displaying 1 - 11 of 11

School NameDepartmentCity
Augustana CollegeJapanese LanguageRock Island
Ball State UniversityJapanese LanguageMuncie
Carleton CollegeJapanese LanguageNorthfield
Carthage CollegeJapanese LanguageKenosha
DePaul UniversityJapanese LanguageChicago
Gustavus Adolphus CollegeOthersSt. Peter
Illinois State UniversityOthersNormal
Kansas City Art InstituteJapanese LanguageKansas City
Northwestern UniversityOthersEvanston
University of Nebraska-LincolnOthersLincoln
University of Wisconsin-SuperiorJapanese LanguageSuperior
School NameDepartmentCity