JCCC Foundation Grant Ceremony
We are going to have a virtual Grant Ceremony on Wednesday, October 7 at 3:00pm. Please join us to celebrate with the 2020 Grant recipients!
The mission of the JCCC Foundation grant program is to support innovative projects that work with students to enhance learning, build capacity, and increase learning opportunities both inside and outside the school. We look for programs and projects that convert educational theory into concrete actions that foster personal initiative, development of adult values, and development of higher-order thinking skills and real-life problem solving. Each year, the Foundation awards approximately $100,000 in grants of up to $10,000 to schools and non-profit organizations that provide education-related programming. There are three categories of grants; Student Development and Achievement Grants, Japanese Language Education Grants, and U.S.-Japan Partnership Grants.
This year, 24 organizations/schools are selected as the recipients.
Here are this year’s recipients:
Student Development and Achievement Grants
(For public and private schools and other organizations with nonprofit status in the Chicago area that provide educational opportunities for students and families)
・Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of Metropolitan Chicago
/ Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago – Family Engagement
・Catalyst Maria Elementary and High Schools
/ 3D Printing for Middle and High School STEM Program
・Center for Enriched Living
/ Educational Enrichment Program for Youth & Teens with Developmental Disabilities
・Chicago Collegiate Charter School / Collegiate Collaborates
・Chicago Tech Academy
/ Real-World Connections and Collaboration Through New Exhibition Projects
・Concordia Place / Ruckus Entrepreneurs Teen Leadership
・Evanston Symphony Orchestra Association / Music In Your World Moves Online
・Gads Hill Center / Building Leaders
・Midwest Young Artists Conservatory / Young Music Scholars
・Old Town School of Folk Music / Artist-in-Residence program
・Polyphony Lit / Literacy Workshop Scholarships for Illinois High School Students
・Working in the Schools (WITS)
/ WITS Virtual Programming & Empowering Readers at Home
Japanese Language Education Grants
(For public and private schools and other organizations with nonprofit status in the Chicago area that provide Japanese language and cultural education to students)
・Agassiz Elementary School / Everything Has a Story
・Anderson Japanese Gardens / 2021 Every Day is a Good Day Project
・Andrew Jackson Language Academy (Chicago Public Schools)
/ 日本の児童・生徒との交流と日本文化の体験学習
・Asian Improv aRts: Midwest (AIRMW)
/ Providing Traditional Cultural Arts During the Pandemic 2020-2021
・Glenbrook South High School / Japanese Language & Culture Program
・Japanese American Service Committee (JASC) / i) Tampopo Kai; ii) Donguri-kai
・Japanese program at Oak Park River Forest High School
/ Japan Fest 2021 at Oak Park River Forest High School
・Jonathan Burr Elementary School
/ Cultural Education and Celebration though Taiko Drumming
・Steinmetz College Preparatory High School
/ Steinmetz Japanese Education Project 2020/21
・Thomas Dooley Elementary School / Experience Japanese Culture
U.S. – Japan Partnership Grants
(For organizations or programs that work towards deepening relations between the United States and Japan, or that serve the local Japanese and Japanese-American communities.)
・Chicago Japanese American Council (CJAC)
/ Japanese American Community Programs and Activities
・Japan America Society of Chicago / 2021 Illinois Japan Bowl
Date: Wednesday, October 7 at 3:00pm
Please join us HERE
* We will hold the virtual ceremony at “GoToMeeting.”
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Enter the ID Number 542-030-901
* You can also dial in using your phone. (Audio Only)
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Access Code: 542-030-901
*Please mute your microphone during the ceremony.