JCCC Online Directory & Member-only Site “My Account”
Our online member directory is available to all JCCC members for free.
If you are looking for Japanese companies in Chicagoland area, this online tool will help save time. The directory is searchable by company name, individual name, and type of business, so you can easily find the information you are looking for.
If you are a JCCC member, please login to the member-only site called “My Account”*to get full access to directory.
*To access “My Account”, please register your email address. Your email address will be your username. If you forgot your first-time login password, please contact the JCCC Secretariat.
Additionally, if you login to your “My Account”, you can easily register for JCCC events and seminars (except webinar) without typing your name or your colleagues’ information. Also, you can check your upcoming and past registered events in your “My Account”.